Hi Bloggers (and visitors!),
It has literally been forever and a day since I have posted on here. In fact, I ::almost:: had to call Cindy to find out our log-in info! Sorry for my absence, but I've been living in Crazytown, USA these past few months!!
I found myself looking through some of my St. Patrick's Day stuff and couldn't find anything I was too impressed with so I sat down at the drawing board and decided I would make something myself. And Oh-Em-Gee what a task that was. I don't know how some people whip these units out like they're nothing, but after many laaaaaate nights, I finally have it done!
Here is a sneak peek at some of the components of this unit:

There are 43 more pages to this unit, so I promise you won't be disappointed! It's on sale in our TpT store right now, so what are you waiting for? Go snag it and be set for St. Patrick's Day! :-)
And while you're there, be sure to ALSO check out the new Literacy Circle for Primary Grades unit I've put together... (SEE! At least my absence was productive!) I've been wanting to start literacy circles in my classroom and I had a few resources to start with, but I'm very "A Type" and couldn't just use the jumble of stuff I had. So I did some research and made my own! My kids go cuuh-raaazy for these Lit Circle jobs so I'm sure yours will too!
Here's a peek at that one: