Hope everyone is doing good. We just had Open House at our school last week. It was such a success. The whole thing was student directed and everyone loved it. The kids guided the parents through a scavenger hunt throughout the room and then showed them our fabulous hallway. Our amazing first grade team and the kids did the story book pumpkins again this year and the whole school was in awe of the pumpkins. Enough talking here are some pics for you to look at. Hope you enjoy!
This is the first grade hallway. Our first grade team consists of 6 teachers. Two classes buddied up and studied something different for fall. Angie and I did scarecrows, another class did owls and squirrels, and the other team did bats. Our amazing classroom parents worked very hard to put our fall harvest hallway together. Sorry for the quality of the pictures but I took them on my phone.
First Grade is Unbe'leaf'able (All the kids in first grade got a leaf to decorate as they wanted)

These are all our different bulletin boards. Im sure you will recognize some of the craftivities from the blogging world.
The kids wrote riddle of themselves and parents had to guess who they were. Their pictures were underneath.
Now drumroll please... Here are our amazing pumpkins.

Cinderella Clifford

The Cat in the Hat and Spiderman
Go Dog Go, Pout Pout Fish

Tangled and Pokemon

No David and Fly Guy

The witch from The Night Before Halloween
Ferninand the Bull
Pinnochio (The head is a pumpkin, the feet, and even the fish. It was amazing!)
The Very Busy Spider
The Octopus from Commotion in the Ocean
Five Spooky Ghosts Playing Tricks at School
Parts, Lego City, and I am not sure about the little one I know its a bat though.
There were tons more pumpkins but I couldn't take a picture of all of them. Literally our whole hallway was lined with pumpkins! We had a great turn out this year. Seems like every year we are getting better.
Thank you for sticking through my long post and I hope you enjoyed.