Cindy here, as I told you before I am changing rooms and I decided to change themes as well because it seemed like the logical thing to do at the time. Now that I gave birth to my son and am trying to unpack things and get things up in my room I feel so overwhelmed. HELP!!!!
Well its not that bad but its a lot harder with a 4 year old running around the classroom getting into everything and a 6 week old getting feedings, changings, and wanting to be held.
The room I moved into was the classroom of this really great first grade teacher that moved away. She left me a bunch of awesome things in the classroom but we all know that the more things you have the more clutter that accumulates. I dont know about any of you but I know that I have a little bit of a hoarding problem. LOL! I have a problem letting go of things or passing up anything people are giving away because I just might find a good use for it. So the first thing I did when I moved into the classroom is unpack the other teachers things and decided what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to give away. Trust me people its a lot harder than it sounds. After doing that I started moving some of my things around and here is what my room looked like.
Well after unpacking and throwing things away I needed to do something cute in the room to motivate me. Trust me people I still have tons of organizing to do but I decided to do one area at a time as to show you the progress.
So the area I decided to start focusing on was the bulletin boards. I love black fabric for the background because it makes everything pop. I plan to use one side for a word wall and the other side for a math wall and my writers board. Here is what I accomplished in the hour I was there.
Some of you might say, "Thats it!" Well yes thats all I accomplished because I like to do a fabric border and that takes a while. I just love it though. I love how the zebra print pops of the black fabric and I think it adds a little of the hollywood glam I was looking for. Obviously I still have to add the alphabet for my word wall and I have to fix the the math wall, I just kind of threw it up there to give you an idea of what it will look like.
This is only the beginning people I still have a loooong way to go but its just so hard with the kiddos. I plan to go in this weekend for a few hours while the hubby watches the kiddos. So stay tuned for more pics.
Oh by the way while I was at school I laminated my alphabet and can I just tell you that I am in love!!! I backed it with red paper and I think its exactly what it needed to add a little something something. I cant wait to show you what it will look like once I put it on the wall. Check it out!!! If you love it as much as I do you can head on over to our TPT and purchase your set. Just click on the link.

Thank you for sticking through this long post but I promise the next one will have more pics of things I have accomplished.