I don't know about you guys but the week after spring break always seems to be the longest week ever. I missed my pj's. Ha!!!
Well technically its not Earth Day yet but I'm very excited to start our unit this year. The kids learn so much from this unit about not being wasteful and taking care of our Earth. Last year I had a student argue that he didn't waste that much water when he left it running when he brushed his teeth. So we put it to the test. I had a bucket in the sink while he pretended to brush his teeth. The class was astonished by how much water was in the bucket. Then we started talking about how much water it would be if we all left the water running while brushing. Since we live in Las Vegas the students know that we don't get much rainfall and it is very important to conserve water. After that they were monitoring their water usage while they washed their hands or did anything with water.
This year I came up with the Earth Day Patrol. I will pick a couple of students a day and they will have to monitor the other students in our class. I will give them a clipboard with citations and they will write the students infraction and write what they could have done better. The students love the idea of being to give each other citations. They even asked if they can be on Earth Day Patrol at home because their parents or siblings waste energy, water, or don't recycle.
If your interested in the Earth Day Patrol or many of our other activities that we conduct in class please head on over to our TPT to snatch up our 31 pg, Earth Day unit. It includes some of these and much more so just click on the picture to head on over.