Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hello Friends!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Back to School!

Thursday, August 11, 2011
VIP Student
Monday: They would bring in their Autobiography and baby pictures. I would hang this on a bulletin board I created especially for this. We would read the autobiography and ooh and ahh at all the adorable baby pictures. I also asked the parents to write a special letter to their child on why they are so special and put it in an envelope for us to share on Friday.
Tuesday: The students would write a note to The Whale of the Week telling them why they are special. The Whale of the Week would write about being the VIP and what they think they are really good at.
Wednesday: The students would bring in a "Show and Tell" item. (I had to be very specific to tell my parents no animals because my word these people want to bring everything in.)
Thursday: The student would bring in their favorite book and we would share it with the class.
Friday: The student was presented with a certificate for being the student of the week and a little book of all the letters their classmates wrote. I would also read the letter from the parent. After all this is done the VIP for the week would reach in a bag and choose the next VIP for the week.
This is when I would return all the baby pictures except for one. The student would chose their favorite one and they would go on our baby wall. It looks so cute when it is all filled with the students pictures and I even put my own baby picture. Of course I am the first VIP since I want them to get to know me first and learn the routine. I also hang onto the autobiography paper and bind them together to make a great book for our classroom library. The students love reading it.
Well this year I am doing more of a Beach theme than an Ocean theme so I decided to change things up a little and instead of Whale of the Week, I am doing Surfer of the Week. Yeah I know I am very creative. HA! I also changed some of the things I do during the week because sometimes we wouldn't have enough time for the students to write a letter to the VIP so I decided to skip that this year but I wanted to let you know about it in case you are interested. I loved the idea that Rachelle had from What the Teacher Wants of sending home a classroom mascot and having the student write about their adventure. So I am adding the mascot this year and since I was an Ocean theme last year and I had a dolphin in my classroom already "Flippy the Dolphin" was created.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Polka Dot Beanie Strategy Posters
I searched high and low on the Internet and couldn't find anything that would work. So I did the next best thing.... I made them myself!
If you have a polka dot classroom, then this is the product for you! It features 15 different posters with decoding/comprehension strategies on them as well as an ADORABLE clipart image (thanks to Scrappin Doodles!) to go along with the strategy. It looks a little something like this:

And this is just ONE of the posters! Head on over to our store at to snag your copy!
I'm back! Some polka dot sneak peeks!
Hi everyone, Angie here! It's been so long since I posted that I feel like I need to re-introduce myself! I can't believe how fast this summer has flown by. I've been so consumed with my two little guys at home these past few weeks and I just wasn't able to blog as much as I would like! I also found myself in a "creativity funk" for a few days, but I am glad to say that was just a phase because now I'm back! Huge thanks (and my apologies!) to Cindy for keeping this baby going!
My Meeting Spot/Calendar Board!
My Word Wall
It's hard to see in this picture but I made clothespins with a little chalkboard on the front of them for the students to write their names on. This will be my "Spot-Tacular Work" board!
I had this little niche of a wall and couldn't decide on what to put on it, but my Reading Reminders worked perfectly here! It's right next to my Reading Table so it works great! The wall to the right will have my Reading Beanies on it!
My desk area. The blank blue boards will have all of my schedules/calendars/memos on them!
That's it for now...I'm going back in this week to hopefully finish more of it. I've learned that I'm more productive when I don't have my little guys in there with me, so that's the plan! Stay tuned for more updates!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Its a Giveaway!

First Grade Fanatics are having a great giveaway that you must check out. Just click on the link to head on over there.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Teachers Notebook

Monday, August 1, 2011
Pinterest/ School update